mercredi 28 décembre 2016

 MISERIST is the horrendous, gnarliest sound generating Experimental Black/Death Metal project that was previously known as Headwar and released a demo under that moniker. This heinous Australian act is to release the Self-Titled EP under Krucyator Productions, a label that has already been exalted for unleashing music of Autokrator, N.K.V.D. etc.

Taking influences from Gnaw Their Tongues, Portal, Ulcerate and Gorguts, and incorporating Noise, Drone and Industrial elements destructively with Black, Death and Doom music, the 06th tracked, unorthodoxly structured instrumental EP will be a taste of a pure extermination to the listeners.

This is what the band member had to say regarding this EP:

“The first track I recorded was Narikuntu. I'd just watched a documentary on a mental asylum for kids, and I thought of what it would be like in there, treated like an animal, trapped in dark rooms with people that could kill you, rape you or defecate on you at any second. Just pure misery. This is what I thought of while recording these tracks and I used this as a theme for the album. It was mixed from February 2015 until March 2016, but most of the guitar was recorded in a few weeks. I was in a dark place and after seeing that documentary it just all spilled out. I added to it bit by bit, added other sounds, and everything else over time. Each track name had meaning to that.

"Skin, Mold and Flame"—  Just summed up the room I was imagining these people being trapped in. Skin on the doorways and windows from people trying to escape, mold everywhere because it's never cleaned, and flame because once all the kids died they burnt it down.

"Miserist"— Describesthe head of the asylum. Misery generator.

"VIII"— Average age of the children in the asylum.

"Horror Infinitum"— Infinity horror, self-explanatory.

"Lung Rust” — Basically what the kids would've felt. Breathing in toxic fumes, hot air in the summer, and diseases. Feeling like they can't breathe.

“Narikuntu” — Deals of the global theme of the documentary, it is about that asylum.”

 Genre: Experimental Black/Death

Location: Australia

Release Date: February 13, 2017

Label: Krucyator Productions

Miserist Faceboook

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