mercredi 11 janvier 2017

TOXICA (Thrash Metal from Argentina || Full Length Out Via Witches Brew

Ahogados En Contaminación

(Full Length)

Genre: Thrash Metal

Location: Cipolletti, Río Negro, Argentina

Release Date: December 07, 2016

Label: Witches Brew

Tóxica’s thrashing expedition was initiated back in August, 2013 by Matzii (Vocals, Guitars) and Nicolas (Drums).  Very soon, the band welcomed Maxi as the second guitarist and Alex as the bassist. 2014 saw the first release from these Latino quartet, an EP entitled as “Egoismo Autodestructivo” (Self-

destructive Egoism in English). “Cacería / Warzone” is the follow-up of the EP release, a split release with Japanese thrashers Code Red. In 2016, Ariel replaced the guitarist Maxi, and with this lineup the band recorded the first full length with the new guitarist, which was later released via Witches Brew, the German label renowned for bringing top-tier thrash metal acts since 2002.

The debut full length, “Ahogados En Contaminación” (Drowned in Pollution in English), showcases the band’s mastery to play neck-snapping remorseless thrash metal. Relentless aggressive tracks present in the album are highly influenced by classic Bay Area and Latin American Thrash Metal Scenes. The combo of vibrant, steel edged riffs, occasional frenzied solos, smashing drumming, furious Latino styled destructive vocal display will hardly distract the listeners from enjoying this unremitting energetic thrash metal spree.

Spanish written lyrics reflect different aspects of social problems existing in the current world.

As a special bonus, last four tracks of the album feature their entire "Egoismo Autodestructivo" ("Self-destructive Egoism") EP from 2014, previously only available in CDR format.

Highly Recommended: To the fans of early Exodus, Death Angel and Latin American thrash acts like Violator, Hermetica & Malon.
Guitar/Vocals: Matzii Zurita
Guitar: Ariel Lardani (Track 1-8)
Bass: Alex Roa
Drums: Nicolas Rivas

Guitars: Maxi Martínez (Track 9-12)
Recording, Mixing & Mastering: Jose Torres


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